- water treatment systems for technological processes of industrial enterprises;
- water treatment systems for steam and hot water boilers used against scale formation and for pH stabilization;
- water treatment of the circulating water systems against corrosion and biofouling.
- sodium hypochlorite (NaCLO) for water, equipment, and pipe line desinfection; - aluminium sulfate Al2(SO4)3-18H2O, aluminium hydroxide chloride and aluminium hydroxide chloride sulfate for coagulation; - antiscalants for preventing sediment build-up in RO systems membranes; - acid and alkalis for pH level control of medium; - potassium permanganate for removing manganese and iron; - polyphosphates for water softening - sodium bisulphite for removing dissolved oxygen from water; - milk of lime for pH level control; - fluorine for stomatology; - biocides for preventing biological abrasion; - hydrazine and amines against scale formation, but for pH level stabilization in boiler houses; - cuprous sulphate for preventing biofouling.
- sewage treatment systems of industrial enterprises;
- sewage treatment facilities of residential areas;
- local sewage treatment facilities of residential wastewater
- sodium hypochlorite (NaCLO) for water, equipment, and pipe line desinfection; - aluminium sulfate Al2(SO4)3-18H2O, aluminium hydroxide chloride and aluminium hydroxide chloride sulfate for coagulation; - caustic soda (NaOH) for metal removing, рН level adjusting, removing cyanide; - iron chlorine for coagulation; - cuprous sulphate for preventing biofouling - milk of lime for pH level control. |
- NaCLO for water disinfection; - chlorine dioxide for desinfection; - pH level control; - oxidation-reduction potential (ORP, Rx) control; - free (residual) chlorine control; - dosing of flocculants and coagulants; - dosing of active oxygen. |
Brewing - enzyme dosing; - dosing of acid for pH level control in the process of must production ; - dosing of conserving agent into beer; - dosing of anti-foaming agents in the process of filling bottles; - water and wastewater treatment; - water treatment system for boiler houses.
Alcoholic beverage industry - enzyme dosing; - sulphuric acid dosing; - water and wastewater treatment; - salt content control in the circulating water supply systems; - water treatment systems for boiler houses.
Nonalcoholic beverage industry - dosing of syrups - dosing of fruit concentrates; - dosing of conserving agent; - water and wastewater treatment; |
- dosing of acid and alkalis in oil extraction production; - syrup dosing; - dosing of fruit concentrates; - dosing of conserving agent; - dosing of fragrances; - dosing of yeast; - dosing of topping additives ; - water and wastewater treatment; |
- acid treatment in the processes of cleaning and bleaching; - syrup treatment by means of caustic soda; - water and wastewater treatment.
- dosing of acids and alkalis; - pH level control; - oxidation-reduction potential (ORP, Rx) control; - dosing of flocculants and coagulants. |
- chemical demineralization of crude oil; - adding of caustic soda into crude oil or sour gasoline for distillation in cracking machines; - dosing of inhibitors for fuel; - dosing of metal oxidants for removing resin from petrol; - dosing of caustic for pH level adjusting in sulfur dioxide or in crude oil for decreasing corrosion; - acid dosing for polymerization; - additing dyes to petrol; - dosing of antiknock components and alcohol into petrol. |
- dosing of titanium dioxide for control over dullness of thin paper; - kaolinic mixture as paper filler; - automatic emulsification of brown size; - addition of resin for waterproofing; - dosing of all components in the preparation of chlorine-based bleaching agent; - dosing of polymers for drainage and storage; - dosing of colorants; - dosing of inhibitors to extend the service life of machines; - dosing of slime and foam removers; - wastewater treatment
- fabric production (both natural and synthetic ones); - rubber production (both natural and synthetic ones); - gas industry; - metal production; - production of glass and ceramics; - tobacco industry; - printing industry; - agriculture; - medical and cosmetic indystries; - production of building materials. |